Thursday, January 31, 2008

Healthy Competition

"They glanced at one another like tigers taking measure of a menacing new rival.".......... The Class, Eric Segal.
I remember reading this novel some 10 years back. However, This line has since then always remained fresh in my mind. Always.

Today in our HBO lecture this issue came up all of nowhere. Whether we should take our batchmates as partners in our learning process or should we take them as our competitors. Interesting.... right.
Including my proffy, most of my batchmates were arguing for partners. That everyone should assist others in the class. We should try to help each other in overcoming his/her weaknesses.
But does it happens all the time?
I'm not sure about others, but I certainly believe that its my competitive spirit only which has taken me so far. Its hard to believe that most of the time we don't see our batchmates as rivals. In my opinion we do. And there is nothing wrong in it. One hour and 20 minutes which we spend in a class will be most productive only if everyone is trying to outshine others. To give his best.

The only imporant thing must remembering is that competition should be healthy. One should not resort to unehtical means :D.


Kapil Dhar said...

the competition should be on helping each other as well.... 'MEANING' who has more helpful the rival or myself. I hope I communicated my point...... what say ..... ravishe....


Anonymous said...

I seem to agree with Ravi.. we all want to excel.. we all have lots of things in stake...Only one person can be the topper and everyone dreams of becoming the one..which simply means we have to compete with each other...but i agree competition has to be healthy and ethical.. Competition forces us to show our best and give our best..
Its true that inside the class, most of us are ready to cut each others throat, but it is also true that, the same persons carry with them, quickfix, so that they can fix the cut the moment we are out of the class..
Inside the class we are each other's biggest enemy but outside the class, the best of friends...

Kanishka said...

I pity those people who are concerned about 'outshining' others before 'shining' themselves! AIM provides us with an opportunity to hone our skills and learn from each other's experiences. It's a development process and we all have a responsibility to add to each other's learning. Would anyone like to attend a session for 120 mins where students bull shit to earn some airtime? Who are we fooling by doing BS 'CP'? did we spend 15 lakhs INR to listen to BS? With a psyche of killing the competitors in an institution of learning we are doing our own harm...we might be at the receiving end some day...

PrashantBatra said...

whatever works for you is what you should use. I personally listen to people especially in HBO and plug my thoughts in when i think they add meaning, for me its about "Learning" , shining or not is out of the question as its more important that i facilitate my learing.

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